by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-basic, d-princes, d-satans, Demons, Goetia Kings
AKA worthless, yokeless, Prince of Darkness, Angel of hostility, king of evil Goetia #68 Title Prince or King Hierarchy Depending on the role of Lucifer, Belial is either second to Lucifer or co-equal to him Expertise darkness, deception, opposition, wickedness,...
by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-bark, d-princes, d-snex, Demons, Goetia Subchiefs
AKA Master Leonard, Grand Master of Orgies, Chief of the Subaltern Demons, Baphomet? Azazel? Goetia #? Title Prime Minister, Duke Hierarchy One of Lucifer’s direct reports Expertise goats, parties, orgies, middle management, black magic Time & Place...
by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-basic, d-princes, d-satans, Demons, Goetia-Chiefs
AKA The Lightbringer, Morningstar, Satan, First of the Fallen, Prince of Pride, and many others Title Emperor; Prince of Pride Hierarchy Pretty much the top Hazbin! Lucifer and his wife, Lilith, are seen in Charlie’s portrait gallery in the pilot episode...
by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-basic, d-princes, Demons
AKA Tiamat Title Prince Hazbin! Leviathan hasn’t made an appearance yet or been specifically mentioned, but since Helluva Boss seems to be following Binsfeld’s Classification of Demons, it’s likely that she rules a low level of hell. Some concept art...
by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-basic, d-princes, d-satans, Demons
AKA Ba’al, Head of the Infernal Powers, Commander of the Armies of Hell Goetia #1! Title King Expertise fertility, death/rebirth, love, storms, strength, invisibility Time & Place the east Description Many forms, sometimes appears as a cat, or a toad, or a...
by Jacob | Mar 15, 2022 | d-basic, d-princes, d-satans, Demons, Goetia Kings
AKA Asmodee, Asmoo, The Prince of Lust, King of the Demons Goetia #32 Title Prince or King Hazbin! Asmodeus appears as the prince of lust in the series one finale, where he’s disturbed by two of the main characters who are clearly in love. Lust and love, not the...
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