The Dispatchist

…A friendly podcast about hell and some other stuff.

The DispatchIst is a friendly ongoing conversation about Hell in its many forms…as a story, as a social technology, as a mythology all its own. Side-topics may or may not include the devil, popular culture, comparative religion, Dungeons and Dragons, mixed drinks, horror films, medieval snuff porn, schadenfreude, whether Tundale could kick Dante’s butt (probably, maybe not in a literary sense), Norwegian death metal, latitudinarianism, and whatever else seems relevent this week.

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Mickey’s Inferno

Mickey’s Inferno

Do you remember that one time Mickey went through nine layers of hell? I do.

submission in progress

The Dispatchist

…A friendly podcast about hell and some other stuff.

The DispatchIst is a friendly ongoing conversation about Hell in its many forms…as a story, as a social technology, as a mythology all its own. Side-topics may or may not include the devil, popular culture, comparative religion, Dungeons and Dragons, mixed drinks, horror films, medieval snuff porn, schadenfreude, whether Tundale could kick Dante’s butt (probably, maybe not in a literary sense), Norwegian death metal, latitudinarianism, and whatever else seems relevent this week.

Recent Episodes…

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Mickey’s Inferno

Mickey’s Inferno

Do you remember that one time Mickey went through nine layers of hell? I do.

submission in progress