

AKA Captain Howdy Title Prince of the Demons of the Air Expertise Storms, drought, winds, exorcism Description Usually a lion-headed or dog-headed creature with birdlike claws, sometimes gazelle-like horns, sometimes a beard, a scorpion tail, four wings, and a...


AKA Suchay Goetia #11 (just that one time though) Title Marquis Expertise Languages, transportation, widows Description Like many demons whose specialty is winning the love of women, which Sucax does “most marvellously,” Sucax appears as a gender-ambiguous...

Succor Benoth

Title Chief of the Eunuchs Hierarchy Works for Proserpine in the “Satan’s Cabinet” hierarchy suggested by Berbiguer and Waites Expertise Jealousy? Story Notes A brief history on this one, who has some gender complications in their background....


AKA Bitru, Sytry Goetia #12 Title Prince Expertise Love and lust   Description He appears as a prince with a leopard’s face and griffin wings, but then takes the shape of a beautiful human, though not of any particular gender. Story Notes Sitri’s...


Hierarchy May be ultimately in service to Naberius, under Hael and Sergulath. Naberius is possibly another name for Cerberus, which is a strange chain of command. His direct report, Sergulath, is responsible for “breaking the ranks and strategy of...


  Expertise Inflaming the passions of women Story Notes Little or nothing known about this stub entry demon, but what Bellanger notes is amusing enough for inclusion in this somewhat adult demonology: Samon appears as a beautiful maiden, compels the love of...