It would be challenging and perhaps pointless to list out all the known demons, when so many people have done a better job. This page owes a huge debt to Michelle Belanger and her excellent Dictionary of Demons, a guide to the grimoires with rich supplemental material. We’ve focused on demons that are of possible interest to writers, or ones that stand out as being more interesting than their peers. An incomplete list, obviously. All entries listed here, the menu above has more tailored lists.
Another note on sources: in most cases we reference Wiki and grimoire-related resources, unless we find some interesting article in our five-minute research. We do also reference Demonic Paradise a great many times. DP isn’t a scholarly resource, it’s more of a fan-fic fact file, but this list isn’t intended to be scholarly, either. DP has some fun ideas, art, and interpretation, mixed in with authentic myth, and can be helpful fleshing ideas out when the grimoires feel sterile.

Abigor (stub)

Allocer (stub)

Amduscias (stub)

Amon (stub)

Amy (stub)

Andras (stub)

Andrealphus (stub)

Aym (stub)

Barbatos (stub)

Bathym (stub)

Berith (stub)

Bifrons (stub)

Botis (stub)

Cimeries (stub)


Focalor (stub)

Foras (stub)

Forneus (stub)

Gamigin (stub)

Glasyalabolas (stub)

Gusoyn (stub)

Haagenti (stub)

Halphas (stub)

Malphas (stub)

Morax (stub)

Murmur (stub)

Oray (stub)


Ose (stub)

Procell (stub)

Ronove (stub)

Sabnacke (stub)

Saleos (stub)

Shax (stub)


Valac (stub)

Valefar (stub)

Vapula (stub)

Vasago (stub)

Vepar (stub)

Vine / Royne

Vuall (stub)