

AKA Too many to list…The Adversary, Prince of Darkness, The Accuser, Black Shuck, Old Nick, Prince of this World, the Old Serpent… Title The Devil; Prince of Wrath Hierarchy Any, at the top Expertise Seducing humanity to evil, tormenting sinners, testing...


AKA The Lightbringer, Morningstar, Satan, First of the Fallen, Prince of Pride, and many others Title Emperor; Prince of Pride Hierarchy Pretty much the top Hazbin! Lucifer and his wife, Lilith, are seen in Charlie’s portrait gallery in the pilot episode...


AKA Lord of the Flies Title Prince, King, Chief of Scret Police Hierarchy Second to Lucifer, OR regent of Hell Expertise gluttony   Description When he’s described at all, either a monstrouls creature on a large thrown, with a swollen face and a wild...


AKA Ishtaar, Astarte, Treasurer of Hell, Diabolos Goetia #29 Title Duke Expertise prophecy, secrets, knowledge of the fallen angels, liberal arts, transforming men and animals, destroying buildings   Oh, Disney… Description An angel riding on a dragon,...